Marine Insurer U35 Awards

Marine Insurance London and The Marine Insurer are proud partners of the Marine & Energy Insurance Under 35’S Awards.


The finalists have now been announced. Winners will be announced at the Black Tie Dinner July 14th, Bloomsbury Ballroom, Bloomsbury Square. Finalists are as follows:


The Navium Young Marine Broker:

Ted Pye (Marsh)

Mustafa Matovu (Willis Towers Watson)


The MatthewsDaniel Young Energy Broker:

Emily Trew (AON)

Henry Laurie (Lockton)


The MatthewsDaniel Young Energy Claims Adjuster:

Martin Paul (CNA Hardy)

Rebecca Taylor (Chubb)


The Clyde & Co Young Marine Claims Adjuster of the Year:

Thomas Barker-(Axa XL)

Mark Hadlow (Aegis)


The Margetis Maritime Young Marine Underwriter:

James Emblin (Arch Insurance)

Daisy Thompson (IQUW)


The McGill and Partners Young Energy Underwriter:

Victoria, Burnell, (TMK)

George Hawes-Gatt (Chaucer)


The 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square Young Marine/Energy Solicitor:

Kirsten Jackson (MFB) 

Amie Harrison (Clyde & Co)



We are looking forward to attending their Black Tie Dinner on July 14th, where winners will be announced in front of the 300 attendees.


Judging Panel:


Jenna Hales, Marine and Energy Specialty Claims Manager, Hiscox

Magne Nilsen, Managing Director, Gard

Sanjeev Patel, Head of Marine Claims, Chubb

Mel Raven, Senior Underwriter Marine & Energy, Ark Underwriting

Marcus Baker, Global Head of Marine and Cargo, Marsh

Andrew Herring, CEO Power and Energy, Marsh

Rosalia Charitos, Risk Insurance Manager, Cubico

Amy Dallaway, Marine Claims Manager, Brit Insurance

Clive Washbourn, CUO, CEO, Navium

Gary Mawditt, Global Head of Upstream, MatthewsDaniel

Andrew Nicholas, Partner, Clyde & Co

George Margetis, CEO, Margetis Maritime

Kishore Sharma, Barrister, 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square



Categories and Sponsors: 


Navium Young marine broker of the year

MatthewsDaniel Young energy claims adjuster of the year

Clyde & Co Young marine claims adjuster of the year

Margetis Maritime Young marine underwriter of the year

4-5 Gray’s Inn Square Young marine / energy solicitor of the year

McGill and Partners Young Energy Underwriter of the year

Young Energy Broker of the year