Capt. Nicholas Sloane

Capt. Nicholas Sloane
  • President, International Salvage Union, Director
  • Company: Resolve Marine

Nick was born in Zambia, and finished high school @ Kearsney College in South Africa – where he still lives just outside of Cape Town.

He joined the merchant navy in 1980 with Safmarine.
He was appointed master in 1990 and salvage master in 1991.
Nick has been involved in casualties and salvage since his first LOF in 1983 – so for just on 40 years.
He has responded to incidents on a global basis, all over the middle east; the far east ; north and south America – and around the continent and Islands around Africa.

Major casualties attended include the Costa Concordia; Rena; Tasman Spirit; Jolly Rubino; Sealand Express; Tochal; Treasure; Ikan Tanda, Castillo del Bellver, Brillante Virtuosa – as well as eight oil rigs / aircraft recovery from deep water, and well over a hundred other casualties, and Oil Spill responses around the world. He was involved in 7 shore-crossing pipeline projects around Africa and the Black Sea, the installation of SBM’s and Gravity-Base Control Buoy – start-up manager for the Caspian Pipeline Consortium – Russia and the Angola LNG Project, the setting up Eco-Shelf Black Sea – to look after the Black-Sea CPC terminal oil-pollution contingency plans.

Nick was appointed to the Lloyds Panel of Special Casualty Representatives in 2010 – and currently serves with Resolve Marine Group as senior salvage master and regional director.

Nick sit’s as the President of the ISU (International Salvage Union)from Nov.2021 until the end of 2023

He is a Fellow of the Nautical Institute; and a Fellow of the International Institute of Marine Surveyors.

Nick was awarded the German Ocean Award in 2015 and an
Italian Knighthood after the Costa Concordia project.

Nick is married to Sandra – and has three children…. he loves golf (but golf does not love him!)….

My Sessions